At Play n Learn, every single product we select aims to build the foundation of a creative, responsible critical thinker or problem solver with self care abilities. We believe toys are not merely entertainment, it is something that will grow with your child.

在Play n Learn, 每一件產品都是我們精心挑選,有助培養孩子的獨立思考能力、具創意的思維模式及生活自理的技巧。我們深信,一件好的玩具不僅僅是娛樂,它更是陪伴小孩成長的見證

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Macau's Very First Toy Library澳門第一個玩具圖書館

Why toy library? 為什麼選擇玩具圖書館?

- Cost effective 減省購買玩具的成本
- Less toys meaning more space at home 節省家裡放置玩具的空間
- Enhance children's concentration level 提高小朋友的專注力
- More resources for children to play and learn 為小朋友提供更多資源從遊戲中學習
- Environmental friendly 更環保
- Trial of a toy before deciding to purchase 在購買玩具前先讓小朋友試試是否喜歡
- Over 400 toys to choose from 400多件玩具可以選擇
Learn About Toy Library 了解玩具圖書館